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Innovate Now Accelerator Programme 2024 [ Cohort 8 ]

Innovate Now Accelerator Programme 2024 [ Cohort 8 ]

Country: Africa
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Innovate Now Accelerator Programme 2024 [ Cohort 8 ]

Innovate Now is Africa’s first Assistive Technology (AT) Accelerator and inclusive innovation ecosystem with a global reach. They focus on accelerating the development and deployment of assistive technologies to enhance the lives of people with disabilities across Africa and beyond.

This cohort focuses on Assistive Technology (AT) innovations in Kenya across the sectors of health, manufacturing, ICT, and education. Cohort 8 is part of the Strengthening Kenya’s Innovation Ecosystem (SKIES) project, a sub-component under component 1 of the Kenya Industry and Entrepreneurship Project (KIEP), funded by the World Bank Group and implemented by the Ministry of Investments, Trade, and Industry (MITI). Spineberg and E4Impact serve as the Management Firm for this initiative.

Benefits of Innovate Now Accelerator

  • Immersive Accelerator Curriculum: Access to a comprehensive, hands- on inclusive innovation curriculum tailored to AT startups.
  • Testing and Validation: Opportunities to test and validate AT solutions through Live Labs with persons with disabilities.
  • Venture Building Support: Guidance and mentorship in venture building, including investor readiness and linkages.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connections with industry experts, investors, and potential partners within the Kenya innovation ecosystem.
  • Technical and Business Mentorship: Expert guidance and mentorship from seasoned professionals in AT development, business strategy, and market expansion.
  • Access to funding: Potential access/linkage to funding opportunities and grants to support growth and scalability.
  • Visibility and Recognition: Exposure and visibility through Innovate Now’s network and SKIES- KIEP channels, enhancing credibility and attracting further opportunities.
  • Community and Collaboration: Engagement with a supportive community of fellow innovators, fostering collaboration and shared learning.

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Eligibility for Innovate Now Accelerator

  • Open to innovators and entrepreneurs with a focus on Assistive Technology (AT) solutions.
  • Startups or teams developing AT innovations in health, manufacturing, ICT, or education sectors.
  • Applicants based in Kenya, with solutions addressing local and regional challenges.
  • Innovations aimed at enhancing accessibility, independence, and quality of life for persons with disabilities.
  • Teams committed to testing, launching or scaling their solutions and contributing to Kenva’s innovation ecosvstem.
  • Authentic mission-driven founder(s), execution-focused agile problem solvers
  • Applicants willing to participate actively in a rigorous accelerator program and engage with stakeholders.

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Type of Opportunity Scholarships and Fellowships
Deadline30 June,2024
OrganizerInnovate Now



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